Why 12 blueberry packers upgraded to AI grading
12 packers worldwide upgraded 172 lanes to True-AI in one year—boosting quality, efficiency, and consistency. Stay ahead with the power of AI grading
Explore articleBlueberry grading machine
Elifab grading machine
powered by Ellips technology
Do you have the ambition to increase the capacity of your business? Are you facing challenges such as labor issues and inconsistent quality? With our leading blueberry grading machine you have the full control to grow as a preferred supplier.
Give your packhouse the ability to accurately sort millions of individual blueberries at exceptional speed without damaging the fruit. As everything is automated with our Berry Class grading machine, you’ll maximize your throughput with consistent quality and reduce the need for workers.
Explore how to expand your grading capacityExtract the most value from every batch and maintain your reputation for quality with superior accuracy. High-tech cameras capture 30 images for every single blueberry, resulting in near-perfect size, color separation, and highly accurate sorting of defects such as softness, slipskin and shrivel (dehydration).
Discover how to achieve consistent qualityWhen it comes to growing blueberries, you’re the expert. And when it comes to growing revenue, we know how to help. With the combination of our world-class grading software and the Berry Class grading machine you’ll get the most value from every single berry, by maximizing yields and reducing food waste. Plus you’ll be able to meet specific customer demands such as longer shelf-life berries or larger berries, strengthening your position as a preferred supplier and achieve a faster return on your investment.
Ellips developed a new technology called True-AI. You can now deliver near-perfect grading accuracy through superior detection of the most challenging defects and blueberry characteristics such as dehydration (shrivel), cracks, stem tears and mold. In addition, it offers sensational reliability in detecting stem and calyx. The new software has been trained using large amounts of data combined with the expertise of quality control personnel.
Discover True-AITrusted by world’s best growers and packers, Elifab Berry Class grading machine is an industry-leading solution. Not only are you guaranteed the lowest total cost of ownership, but you’ll be able to stay at maximum speed to meet all delivery and quality needs.
Discover the Berry Class
Working directly with hundreds of packhouses around the globe, we’ve fully integrated our blueberry grading machines into each individual facility. Together with our partners, we’ll do the same for you ensuring your entire packhouse is optimized and seamlessly connected across multi-head weighers, bin tippers, washing and waxing machines, drying tunnels, palletizers and blueberry packing machine (packing tables and automated packaging).
With MatExakta blueberry packing machine, everything is taken care of with minimal human intervention. It’s an automatic weighing and packaging solution, that allows you to easily switch between different packaging materials such as cartons, plastic, paper pulp and forms like punnets, shakers, buckets, and clamshells. Whatever’s used, everything happens automatically and precisely, down to the lids being placed on the trays and labelling with the correct label.
12 packers worldwide upgraded 172 lanes to True-AI in one year—boosting quality, efficiency, and consistency. Stay ahead with the power of AI grading
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